keys next to a beer


What Are The Penalties For Drink Driving?

Imagine this: a Friday evening after a long work week, the weekend ahead filled with plans. You decide to unwind with your friends over a few drinks at your favourite local pub. It’s all fun until it’s time to head home, and you wonder, “Am I okay to drive?” You might have found yourself in this scenario before, and it’s crucial to understand the legal framework of drink driving in New South Wales (NSW) to make safe and well-informed decisions.

In NSW, the legal limits are clear: there’s a drink driving limit and a blood alcohol limit of 0.05. Knowing these limits and the associated penalties is not just about staying on the right side of the law; it’s about ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road. So, let’s dive into the world of drink driving, the penalties you may face, and what you need to know to make responsible choices.


Drink Driving Laws in NSW 

In New South Wales (NSW), drink driving laws exist to keep our roads safe for everyone. Central to these laws is the concept of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). These laws are enforced by Random Breath Tests at the roadside, and they may be conducted anytime, anywhere by police officers.

Random breath tests

Understanding BAC Limits In NSW

For fully licensed drivers, the legal limit for drink driving in NSW is a BAC of 0.05. This means that if you’re caught driving with a BAC at or above this limit, you’re breaking the law. For learner and provisional drivers, the limit is even stricter at 0.00.

To put it simply, if you’ve had a few drinks, your BAC can rise, impairing your ability to drive safely. It’s not just about feeling drunk; it’s about how alcohol affects your body’s ability to react, judge distances, and make decisions while behind the wheel.


Why Do These Laws Matter?

Understanding these laws is not just about avoiding penalties; it’s about ensuring the safety of yourself, your passengers, and everyone else on the road. When people drink and drive, they put lives at risk. That’s why NSW has stringent drink driving limits and penalties in place.

By adhering to these limits, you’re not only obeying the law but also contributing to safer roads for everyone. While you may seek the advice of a drink driving lawyer to assist you in defending yourself against the charges, the best course of action is to simply understand that it’s not worth the risk. Instead, plan ahead for a designated driver, use public transportation, or arrange for a ride-sharing service if you’ve been drinking.


Specific Offences and Penalties

In New South Wales, drink driving offences are classified into different tiered categories, each with its own set of penalties. 


Novice, Special Range or Low Range Drink Driving Offences

Novice, Low and Special Range Drink Driving Offences

For a first-time offender in any of these categories, you can expect your license to be suspended for three to six months and be subject to an on-the-spot fine of $2,200. For repeat offences, a court appearance is mandatory, and this can potentially result in fines of up to $3,300 and disqualification from driving for up to 1-3 months. Repeat offenders also face a 12-month mandatory interlock period in which a BAC limit of 0.00 applies.


Mid-Range Drink Driving

If you’re found guilty of mid-range drink driving for the first time, you face a fine of up to $2,200 or a maximum imprisonment of nine months. Additionally, you’ll be disqualified from driving for three to six months, and an alcohol interlock period of 12 months applies upon return to driving. For a second or subsequent mid-range offence, fines can reach $3,300, with imprisonment for up to 12 months, and disqualification from driving for six to nine months, followed by a further 24 months under an alcohol interlock program.


High Range Drink Driving

High-range drink driving carries steeper penalties. A first offence can result in a fine of $3,300, with imprisonment for up to 18 months. You’ll also face immediate license suspension, and your disqualification period can range from online to twelve months with an alcohol interlock order for an additional 24 months. For a second or subsequent high-range offence, fines can go up to $5,500, with imprisonment for up to two years. Disqualification from driving can extend from nine to twelve months, with an alcohol interlock order for a further 4 years.


Driving with a Drug Present

If you’ve been found guilty of driving with an illicit drug present in your oral fluid, blood, or urine can result in fines of $1,100, and you may face a license disqualification period of three to six months unless you have a valid medical reason.

headlights in the rearview mirror

Additional Details 

Do I Need To Go To Court?

Whether offenders need to go to court for drink driving offences depends on several factors, including the severity of the offence and whether it’s a first-time or repeat violation. For novice, low range, and special range drink driving, first-time offenders typically receive an on-the-spot fine and a license suspension. However, if it’s a repeat offence or the circumstances are more serious, a court appearance may be required. Mid-range and high-range offences almost always involve a court appearance, where fines, imprisonment, and extended license disqualification periods may be imposed.


Information on Alcohol Interlock Programs

Alcohol interlock programs serve as a means to promote safer driving behaviour among those convicted of drink driving offences. These programs require the installation of an alcohol interlock device in the offender’s vehicle. The purpose is to prevent the vehicle from starting if the driver has consumed alcohol. Eligibility for these programs varies, but they are often offered to mid-range and high-range offenders. The duration of participation can also vary but may extend for several months to a few years.

interlock device being fitted to a car

Consult A Drink Driving Lawyer For Expert Advice

Understanding the drink driving laws and penalties in New South Wales is not only about staying on the right side of the law but also ensuring safety for all road users. Responsible choices behind the wheel are paramount. If you have any questions or concerns about drink driving penalties, don’t hesitate to reach out to experienced drink driving lawyers. Your safety and legal well-being matter, and they are here to assist you in making informed decisions.

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